TC-SoftWorks - software & tools for mind exploretion

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 - L&S Synergizer
 - AudioStrobe Decoder
 - MindExplorer SW
 - Light Glasses



AudioStrobe CD's

The developers of AudioStrobe has used the concept of the visual-acoustic stimulation known from the Mind machines. Unfortunately, they soon found these stimuli to be too monotonous. Thus the idea was born to synchronize the music with visual impulses and to combine them on a high-quality sound medium such as the CD. This triggered the development of the AudioStrobe System which not only stores music on an ordinary CD but also the corresponding optical signals. These signals are transferred to the light glasses using light emitting diodes via the AudioStrobe decoder; a handy box that can be connected to any CD player. The light signals can be modulated very subtly, reacting to the finest of nuances; an audio-visual art is created.

"The effect is amazing! Before your inner eye unfolds a world of fantastic colors and figures moving in harmony with the changing melodies of the music which become almost physically tangible". A similar effect can be observed in the "Pictures within Pictures" in the book "The Magic Eye" where patterns printed on the page suddenly take on three-dimensional structures. "We soon became aware of the fact that we had developed a new medium for a synaesthetic experience of music".

AudioStrobe CD's are all encoded and suitable for stimulation by AudioStrobe decoders. They also can be used without decoder, just with any CD player. You can stimulate the following fields:

Relax · Energize · Creativity & Vision · Concentration

Meditation · Trance · Extraordinary Experience · Therapy & Training Programs


AudioStrobe CD's are available from and from other sources.



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